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Doctoral dissertation (2019)


LINK  |  Young, N.J. (2021). The sociolectal and stylistic variability of rhythm in Stockholm. Language & Speech (ETAP4 Special Issue on Sociolinguistic Variation in Prosody), 1–37.

LINK  |  Young, N. (2019). Rhythm in late-modern Stockholm – Social stratification and stylistic variation in the speech of men (doctoral dissertation). Department of Linguistics, Queen Mary, University of London.


Funding body: British Economic and Social Research Council, Sven och Dagmar Saléns stiftelse

My doctoral work investigated how rhythm varies by style according to social class, race, and age in in the speech of men in Stockholm, Sweden. It offers an innovative approach to rhythm analysis and identifies rhythmic alternation as a highly stratified variable in today's Stockholm. It also identifies the "staccato" prosody of multiethnolect as part of a community-wide change in progress.

The work was conducted at The Department of Linguistics at Queen Mary, University of London. My primary supervisor was Dr. Devyani Sharma, and my secondary supervisor was Dr. Erez Levon. Data was collected in conjunction with an institutional visit at the Centre for Research on Bilingualism at Stockholm University. I also received supervision for my analysis within the Linguistics division at North Carolina State University.


Funding was provided by the British Economic and Social Research Council and the Sven och Dagmar Saléns stiftelse.

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