[last update: 2025-01 / next update: 2026-01]
NB that some links may be dead. The next scheduled update for links is January, 2026.
UNDER REVIEW | Young, N.J. (under review). Compressed and lowered vowel space in Stockholm’s multiethnolect –
Iconicity and markedness constraints. In Morand, M.-A. & Schmid, S. (Eds.) Sounds of European Multiethnolects. John Benjamins.
LINK | Young, N.J. & McGarrah, M. (2021). FAVE-Align for Nordic languages – Rapidly constructing a high-quality prototype for Swedish. Nordic Journal of Linguistics, 1–27.
LINK | Young, N.J. (2021). The sociolectal and stylistic variability of rhythm in Stockholm. Language & Speech (ETAP4 Special Issue on Sociolinguistic Variation in Prosody), 1–37.
LINK | Young, N.J. (2019). Rhythm in Late-modern Stockholm – Social stratification and stylistic variation in the speech of men (doctoral dissertation). Department of Linguistics, Queen Mary, University of London.
LINK | Young, N.J. (2023). DanFA 3.0 – Forced Alignment of Danish, version 3.0. www.autophon.se.
LINK | Young, N.J. (2020). NoFA 1.0 – forced alignment for bokmål, version 1.0. Språkbanken, National Library of Norway.
LINK | Young, N.J. & McGarrah, M. (2017). LG-FAVE, version 1.0. https://github.com/mcgarrah/LG-FAVE
LINK | Young, N.J. (2019). 'Benim' är vårt nya 'jag' ['Benim' is our new 'I']. Språktidningen 8/2019, 50–57.
LINK | abridged version reprinted in Fokus 48, 44–45.